Tag: derivative
- Chain rule proof - derivative of a composite function
- Demonstration / proof of cos²x + sin²x=1
- Derivative of 1/x
- Derivative of a^x, a power x
- Derivative of arccos x
- Derivative of arcsin x
- Derivative of arctan x
- Derivative of argsinh(x)
- Derivative of cos x
- Derivative of cos(u)
- Derivative of exp x, e^x
- Derivative of exp(u) , exp(u(x))
- Derivative of inverse functions
- Derivative of ln u
- Derivative of ln x
- Derivative of sin x
- Derivative of square root of x
- Derivative of tan x
- Derivative of u*v , u times v
- Derivative of u/v
- Derivative of x power n
- Derviative of 1/u
- Dérivée de sin x
- LateX Derivatives, Limits, Sums, Products and Integrals
- Latex jacobian symbol
- Taylor/Maclaurin polynomial of degree n centered at x=0
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